Setting up LSE VPN on the Mac
This page will provide instructions to setting up a VPN connection on Apple MacOS
Please note that the VPN installation instructions are not necessary on new machines using the LSE Device Management Services.
What is VPN?
A Virtual Private Network (VPN) allows your computer or mobile device to behave as if it is connected directly to the LSE network enabling SECURE remote access to your networked drives and remote servers.
Before you begin
- You will need to be a member of LSE with an LSE email account.
- You will need to have Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) enabled for your LSE account.
Step 1: Apply to the Data and Technology Services (DTS) to gain VPN access
- You need to fill in the LSE Data and Technology Services (DTS) form to access LSE (and RLAB) resources via VPN.
- The form is available at
- You need to confirm ...
- you need VPN to access resources
- your device has a supported operating system and is up to date with the latest security patches
- you have Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) enabled on your account
- what resources you require the VPN for. (Select RLAB resources.)
- Once you have submitted the form, you will receive a confirmation email. Please wait up to 24 hours for LSE VPN access to be granted and before proceeding to install the latest version of Pulse Secure to access VPN.
Step 2: How to install/update your VPN client connection
If you do not have Ivanti Secure Access or Pulse Secure installed, you will need to install the software first, see Step 3.
If Ivanti Secure Access is already installed and you need to setup the new connection to the LSE VPN, please go to Step 4.
Step 3: Installing VPN software
- Click on the link below to download the Pulse Secure client and then run the file to install the software on your computer.
Pulse Secure Mac OS client - Open the downloaded file and click on the PulseSecure.dmg file which will take you to the PulseSecure.pkg installer. Click on the installer to run it.
- Click on Continue.
- Then Install, enter your computer account password if asked to start the installation. Close the window once complete, you can move the installer to the Bin.
- Once installed, go to Step 4 to add the new connection settings.
Step 4: Set up the new connection
- To open the Ivanti Secure client, click the icon on the menu bar at the top right of your screen.
- Then select Open Ivanti Secure Access Client.
- To add a new VPN connection, click the "+" button on the bar at the bottom of the client.
- In the window that opens enter the following information:
Type: Leave as Policy Secure (UAC) or Connect Secure (VPN)
Server URL:
Click on the Add button to save this connection.
- Click Connect to connect to the LSE VPN.
- If you are prompted to sign into your LSE account you, you will also be prompted for MFA approval, please proceed accordingly. If your device is already set-up with your LSE account for Office 365 then you will just be prompted for the account to connect with. If you have told your machine to remember your LSE credientials, you will connect automatically.
- You may be asked to Stay Signed in, if you do not want to have to use the authenticator each time you connect to the VPN then you should click on Yes when asked.
- You will then be connected.