New starters
Here you will find information on the support we provide for members and visitors to CASE, CEP, CVER, POID, STICERD, and WWCLEG. Our service is independent to that provided by the LSE Data and Technology Services division (DTS).
Getting set-up
After you have returned a signed copy of your contract to LSE Human Resources (HR), please see Linda Cleavely (if you are joining CEP) or Claire Harman (if you are joining STICERD), who will connect you with the centres' IT team. They will assist in completing your access to use centre IT resources.
The team will create an RLAB account for you. This will enable you to use all our services, including access to the centres' desktop computers, network printing, network storage, all centre software and access to the centres' secure data analysis servers.
As part of the registration process you will need to complete an application to use IT facilities (which includes the outline of the LSE terms and conditions) and a data application form. You are also required to complete the cyber security training.
For more detailed information, please click on the links below.