Installing Microsoft 365 on a Windows computer
All LSE students and staff are eligible for free copies of Microsoft 365 software on 5 desktop (PCs or Macs) and 5 mobile devices.
Using your LSE email address and password, you can log into Microsoft 365 and download Microsoft 365 software onto your personal devices. The Microsoft 365 suite includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook and Teams.
To get your free copies, please visit:
You'll be eligible to use this automatically updated, subscription-based software for the duration of the time you are at LSE.
When you log on to Microsoft 365 you will see all the Apps.
You will be able to work on them straight away.
To install Microsoft 365 locally onto your computer:
- Click on Install Microsoft 365
- The Microsoft 365 installer package will be downloaded. Click run to start the installation.
- When the installer package starts to run, it will download the Microsoft 365 apps to install, so you will need to stay connected to the internet.
- When finished, you will see a message that you are set to use Microsoft 365
Activate Microsoft 365 on Windows
- When you open your first Microsoft 365 app you will be required to activate the licence. You will need to stay online to activate Office and to authenticate your sign in.
- Click on an app, such as Word. Click Get started.
- You will see a welcome screen. Click continue.
- If you see your LSE email address on the activate office screen, click Next
- Enter your LSE password and click Sign in.
- If you have multi-factor authentication (MFA) enabled on your LSE account you will be presented with an extra screen. Click Next to continue. If you do not have MFA set up please skip to step 8
- You will be prompted for your second authentication option. Verify your account as normal.
- On Windows devices you will be prompted for your device to remember your details.
Please UNTICK next to "Allow my organisation to manage my device"
Click on 'This app only'.
- Once completed, click Done.