Data use in RLAB
Information for people using research data in RLAB
Below you will find some general information and some further detail on how to start working with data.
Introduction to data
The LSE Research Laboratory (RLAB) and its member centres have over 25 years of experience in managing large national and international survey and administrative datasets many of which require secure storage because of their confidentiality. Our assurance of best practice to data providers that we store, retrieve, and give access to data in a secure environment, and that we ensure data is used in line with specific data provider regulations.
Examples of data
The Office for National Statistics (ONS) is the UK's largest independent producer of official statistics and its recognised national statistical institute. - UK Data Service
It is the UK's largest collection of economic, population and social research data for teaching, learning and public benefit. - Eurostat
Eurostat provides European statistics to policy makers, businesses, researchers and the public at large. - Data at LSE
LSE provides access to a wide range of data from across the globe.
Getting started
- Please complete the project form.
- Read about the RLAB security standards for access and use of secondary data for research.
- Confirm you have signed your RLAB Data Security Agreement.
- Make sure you have completed the dedicated LSE Cyber Security course on Moodle in the last twelve months or when you started.
- Read about LSE's research ethics review.
- Look into detailed information and guidance on Research Data Management (RDM) and Open Data.